In Nordisk Film Fonden we aspire to empower film talents to create and be creative by using new technologies in film creation.
We ‘Bring Stories to Life’ by supporting and encourage talents within the film industry to strengthen their knowledge, skills, and competences to a new future based on a fusion of technologies.
In 2018 we supported a long range of initiatives supporting film talents to a new future: VIZARTs creating narrative experiences with real-time MoCap and Avatars; VFX Residencies boosting the skills of Visuel Effect Artists and establishing a national VFX Center of Excellence; and Picture This_18 a tech conference on the future of filmmaking. We have also supported a number of individual talents through our Small Polar Bear and Big Polar Bear study grants.
In 2019 we will continue to explore how collaboration between filmmakers and technical skills can optimize development and production processes and create space for renewed creativity. We want to unfold film talents by exploring and promoting artistic entrepreneurship and the benefits of interdisciplinarity. Both through our Big Polar Bear and Little Polar Bear study grants and The Polar Bear Project Aid Scheme.
In Scandinvia we are known worldwide for creating great talents for film and tv drama, and together we should continue by combining Storytelling, Technology and Visions.
Our mission towards 2021 is to strengthen digital competences and artistic entrepreneurship among talents in the film industry.