FAQ and contact

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions and contact information for Nordisk Film.

Questions regarding our Cinemas


The Transparency Act:

In Norway, the Transparency Act became law on 1 July 2022. The purpose of the act is to promote decent working conditions and human rights, and applies to all major businesses in Norway.

Below, you can find the relevant assesment documents.

Redegjørelse for Aktsomhetsvurderinger - Nordisk Interactive AS - 2023
Redegjørelse for Aktsomhetsvurderinger - Nordisk Film Production AS - 2023
Redegjørelse for Aktsomhetsvurderinger - Nordisk Film Distribusjon AS - 2023
Redegjørelse for Aktsomhetsvurderinger - Nordisk Film AS - 2023
Redegjørelse for Aktsomhetsvurderinger - Media Direct Norge AS - 2023


Movies / Distribution / Production: 

Ideas for manuscripts: Before you send your manuscript, please consider whether your idea could have a higher chance of being recognized through other paths, for example, through an education in film, or at a writer's workshop. If after considering this information, you still want Nordisk Film to know about your idea, please send in a synopsis (3 pages maximum) and your relevant background information to our Producer Assistants. You can only expect an answer if we are interested in knowing more about your idea.

International sales: For more information or questions regarding release dates outside the Nordic countries, please visit TrustNordisk. 

Showing films in public (schools, hotels, airplanes etc.): Contact Nordisk Film Vision

Press and bloggers: Go to Nordisk Film Presscontacts or go to Nordisk Film Distribution press.  

Rights and sale of clips: Questions are to be send to our Legal Team.

Law: Other legal questions can be directed to our Legal Team.  


Release dates: Go to https://www.playstation.com

Support: Go to support for PlayStation in the Nordics


Are you interested in visiting Nordisk Film? Go check out our tours and events here

Sponsorship: Nordisk Film has decided to support fewer, but larger projects, so unfortunately, we do not sponsor charity projects, events and competitions.
Every six months Nordisk Film Fonden distributes scholarships related to Danish film projects that need financial support. Please visit this link to read more about the Nordisk Film Fonden.

Reviewer/blogger: If you wish to review movies, please contact the press contacts from Nordisk Film Distribution

TV: From 2009, Nordisk Film TV is owned by the French company Banijay Entertainment. Visit Nordisk Film TV's website for more information.

Sales: If you wish to sell Nordisk Film products, contact our customer service +45 70337000.


Nordisk Film A/S
Reg. No. 52145015
Mosedalvej 14
2500 Valby
+45 70 20 21 22


Oy Nordisk Film Ab
Konepajankuja 5
00510 Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 476 4460

Twitter: @NordiskFilmFI
Webpage: www.nordiskfilm.fi


Nordisk Film AS
Nedre gate 7
0551 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 55 50 22
Twitter @NordiskFilmNO
Facebook: fb.com/NordiskFilmNorge


Nordisk Film AB
Skeppsbron 38
Tel: +46 (0)8-58782200

Postal adress: 
Box 27184
102 52 Stockholm

Twitter: @NordiskFilmSE
Facebook: fb.com/nordiskfilmsverige