
Isbjørn Project Scheme

Nordisk Film Fonden supports talents and innovative projects in the film industry

Isbjørn Project Grant

With The Isbjørn Project Scheme, we focus on creating a talent pool with the skills to solve tomorrow’s challenges in the film sector including insuring renewed creativity in storytelling. 

It is expected that a total of DKK 3,000,000 can be distributed in 2024. Minimum grant is DKK 50,000 and we aim for bigger, longer and fewer projects. 

Our focus is on talent embracing the possibilities that new technologies bring us and unique storytelling among talents in the film industry.

Projects we support

Super8 logo

Super8 is Western Denmark's leading film education with the aim of gathering and developing the skills and art...


Picture This logo

PICTURE THIS_ is a one-day event dedicated to exploring the intersection of storytelling, technology and visio...


Super16 logo

Super16 is a community of filmmakers in Copenhagen, based in the studios of Nordisk Film.


manuskriptskolen logo

The Cross-Media School of Children’s Fiction is a two-year interdisciplinary educational program striving to c...

Manuskriptskolen for børnefiktion

18 Frames

18 FRAMES is a 2.5-year independent and alternative film education with 18 members per year divided into six p...

18 Frames

ViZARTS logo

The ViZARTS Labs are ‘Exploratoriums’ where participants explore, experiment, test and create new filmic exper...


It is expected that a total of DKK 3,000,000 can be distributed in 2024. Minimum grant is DKK 50,000. We work towards supporting fewer and larger projects. We are looking for projects with development potential and where the new knowledge generated can benefit the wider talent base and education system. 

Our focus is on creating a talent pool with the skills to solve tomorrow’s challenges in the film sector including insuring renewed creativity in storytelling. 

Key words: embracing the possibilities that new technologies bring us, artistic entrepreneurship and unique storytelling among talents in the film industry.

There are two deadlines per year

The next deadline is the 8th of August at 12PM (noon). Applicants can expect a reply from the Nordisk Film Fonden secretariat after the 1st of October 2024.

Who can apply & criteria 
# Applications must apply with a CVR number (Danish company registration number).
# Our main target group is creative and artistic film talent
# We do not support a stand-alone film production / film project.
# We do not support the establishment or general operation of film festivals.
# We do not support commercial product development.

# When we process applications, we attach importance to the following:

  • We are looking for projects with development potential and where the new knowledge generated can be shared and benefit the wider talent base and educational system
  • Clear goals/aims/impact measurements as basis for evaluation and the applicant has described how the evaluation will be conducted.
  • The support makes a difference for our target group and efforts to create new knowledge or methods are anchored and shared.

If your project proposal receives a donation, you agree to provide us with a 2–5-minute evaluation video (smartphone format) where you communicate about the experiences and output gained of the project (resume of goals/sub-goals, budget, donation amount, challenges, learnings, next steps, etc.). The video must be sent to Please name your video the NFF case number and also write the NFF case number in the "message" area when using WeTransfer. 

It is moreover a requirement that the donation recipient fill out the Isbjørn Project Scheme Evaluation Form (10 questions). The form must be sent to 

Download the Isbjørn Project Scheme Evaluation Form here. 

1. Baggrund
2. Målgruppe
3. Aktiviteter
4. Formidling
5. Evaluering
6. Forankring
7. Tidsplan
8. Risks
9. Økonomi
Følgende bilag vedlægges ansøgningen.
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