Nordisk film bygning

Rikke Crosby is stepping down as CEO of Nordisk Film Shortcut, Nordisk Film's post-production and VFX company.


She was Director of Strategy and Business Development at Egmont, Nordisk Film's owner, for eight years before joining Nordisk Film in 2014 as Business Development Director and part of Nordisk Film's management team. In 2020, she became CEO of Nordisk Film Shortcut. 

“I would like to thank Rikke Crosby for her great and dedicated efforts for Nordisk Film and Egmont over many years. Most recently, Rikke has transformed and developed Nordisk Film Shortcut to meet the many new opportunities in the visual production industry, including the introduction of the unique LED stage at Nordisk Film. Unfortunately, Nordisk Film Shortcut has also been hit by the significant slowdown in the fiction industry because of the Danish rights conflict, rising production costs and highly challenged framework conditions due to the lack of production discounts in Denmark. We must now look at how Nordisk Film Shortcut's activities can be brought even closer to the rest of Nordisk Film's production environment and at the same time be able to capitalise on the opportunities in the market, and as part of this we have agreed with Rikke that she step down,” says Allan Mathson Hansen, CEO of Nordisk Film.

Rikke Crosby

“The task at Nordisk Film Shortcut for the past three years has been to look at expansion opportunities within the visual production industry, including virtual production. We have started an exciting growth journey with the establishment of Shortcut LED Stage and have created a strong and competent organization. However, the deep and prolonged crisis in the fiction industry means that there is now a need to look at new solutions for Nordisk Film Shortcut. Many thanks to my fantastic, dedicated and competent colleagues for our close co-operation.” 

Rikke Crosby will continue her board work in Egmont-owned TV 2 Norway. 

A process is now underway regarding how Nordisk Film's post-production and VFX activities will be run and developed in the future. Erik Kongsvik-Ibsen, COO of Nordisk Film Cinemas, will join Nordisk Film Shortcut as interim CEO.