In Finland the Nordisk Film Prisen-award goes to a talent behind the camera who has made an extraordinary effort for Finnish film.
Honorering excellence
With Nordisk Film Prisen we honor a film talent behind the camera, who has particularly distinguished him or herself in one of the year's film productions and who helps raise the quality and further development of Finnish films.
The prize is awarded in relation to the Jussi Awards, which are Finland's premier film industry prizes, which are awarded annually to recognize the achievements of directors, actors and writers.
The award sum is EUR 20.000.

The award committee
Nina Laurio, Producer
Alli Haapasalo, Director
Manna Katajisto, Filmiaura board member
Jarmo Kiuru, Cinematographer
Kirsikka Saari, Script writer
Oskari Sipola, Director
Harri Ylönen, Editor
Former recipients